C.O.O.L.™ stands for Community
Oriented Opportunities for Learning.
Cause #4 –
SR1 C.O.O.L.™ Agriculture and Food Science Equity
Why this is important:
Agriculture and food science are important industries in the U.S. and form the backbone of our economy. Apart from the economy, these industries have a direct impact on the status of the environment. Agriculture plays a critical role in the creation of employment opportunities while ensuring a healthy nation.
Implementing equity within agriculture and food science is essential for growth. The aspects of inequity result in derailment within the sector. In the U.S., only 1.4% of farmers identify as black or persons of color, indicating the lack of equity and the need for such a project.

1. Agriculture and food science results in food security: Equity within the two industries will facilitate the feeding of the whole nation by ensuring that every member of the community has access to affordable and nutritious food.
2. Equity within agriculture and food science will create more economic opportunities for those in these fields, and supporting this project will result in various career opportunities, ranging from farmers, food processors, and academics – all contributing to economic growth.
3. Equity within Agriculture and food science promotes racial and cultural diversity. The two industries heavily depend on the preservation of various cultures, and with this comes respect for all ethnicities, since they have contributed a great deal to agriculture in the United States. Equity in agriculture and food science not only supports the valuation of various cultures, but promotes inclusivity as well.
4. Preservation and protection of the environment. Striking a balance in agriculture and food science results in the production and consumption of food in a sustainable manner, lowering the emission of greenhouse gasses while promoting proper waste management. These factors are sustainable and environmentally responsible.
Food security in the U.S. has not attained the 100% mark. In 2021, 89.8% of households in the U.S. were food secure for the whole year, with 10.2% of households experiencing food insecurity. The Agriculture and Food Science Department at SR1 has the goal of achieving food equity and eliminating health disparities by growing the future of farming through research, training, access, and education, and you can be part of this by providing a tax-deductible donation to support agriculture and food science equity.

With your tax-deductible donation, underserved students will receive quality college preparatory services, inclusive of college visits, hands-on innovative academic and social skills, and soft skills training. With your support, students will receive the highest level of college access and success and their dreams of attending college can be effectively realized.
Mrs. Y. Brown
Ms. D. Hutton
Walmart Ridgeland, Mississippi
University of Mississippi Center for Math and Science Education
($1,001- $50,000)
Kia Graham
Entergy Mississippi
Mississippi State Department of Health
Mississippi Department of Wildlife Fisheries & Parks
Walmart Foundation
Wells Fargo
Mississippi Department of Education
Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service