C.O.O.L.™ stands for Community
Oriented Opportunities for Learning.
Cause #5 –
SR1 C.O.O.L.™ SR1 Robotics Project
The Robotics Project is a great opportunity for students and cause to support when intertwined with learning within educational institutions. Robotics is a branch of computer science and engineering where the design and function of robots is enhanced for assisting humans in daily activities. Robotics is the future of the U.S. and the whole world and should be developed through such projects. The revenue derived from robotics alone in the year 2023 is projected to reach up to $7.26 billion. This is promising for the future, hence the need for the implementation of our Robotics Project.
The Robotics project is not limited to economic development, but it also has other positive impacts. Here are some of the aspects that make the Project a great opportunity for our students and cause to support:

The Robotics Project fosters an interest in STEM for our students. This is a positive element that sparks career-based interests for the students, ensuring that they will pursue careers in STEM fields in the future.
The Robotics Project aids in preparation for the trajectory that contemporary society is taking, which revolves around technology. There is an expectation of full automation of all aspects of life in the near future. With this project, we will better prepare the nation for full automation by creating experts in these fields.
3. With this project, a new generation of Robotics engineers and programmers will be created. Robotics programmers are in high demand, and this project would be a great incubation for future robotics programmers given that it is a lucrative field of study and employment – the estimated starting salary of a robotics programmer is slightly over $62,000.
4. Robotics projects expose students to the real-world applications of STEM. Students who interact with STEM projects are able to witness the application of concepts they study in the classroom in relation to mathematics and technology.
We need your tax-deductible donation for the Robotics Project to provide students with not only an opportunity to acquire new skills and boost interpersonal relationships while participating in collaborative projects, but also to help them apply those skills to further innovation in real-world applications.

With your tax-deductible donation, underserved students will receive quality college preparatory services, inclusive of college visits, hands-on innovative academic and social skills, and soft skills training. With your support, students will receive the highest level of college access and success and their dreams of attending college can be effectively realized.
Mrs. Y. Brown
Ms. D. Hutton
Walmart Ridgeland, Mississippi
University of Mississippi Center for Math and Science Education
($1,001- $50,000)
Kia Graham
Entergy Mississippi
Mississippi State Department of Health
Mississippi Department of Wildlife Fisheries & Parks
Walmart Foundation
Wells Fargo
Mississippi Department of Education
Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service