C.O.O.L.™ stands for Community
Oriented Opportunities for Learning.
Cause #1 –
SR1 C.O.O.L.™ Education
In the United States, students who are considered underserved most commonly include students from low-income backgrounds, students who are the first in their families to attend college, and/or students who identify as Black/African American or Latinx. SR1 reaches these underserved students through our C.O.O.L.™ Education program where 100% of underserved students have graduated high school on time.
In our program, students gain the following benefits that otherwise are lacking in short, skill-specific courses found in traditional education:
1. Leadership role. Having an understanding of the art and culture of a job prepares the student for a management role. It is no surprise that most CEOs have postsecondary degrees.​
2. Broad perspective. College provides students with a wide range of subjects and experiences. The idea is to help students see the whole forest. This 360-degree perspective comes in handy when running or managing a business or developing strategies or policies.​
3. Focus on deliverables. Students learn different courses in a limited time and submit the requirements within a deadline. This rigorous process disciplines the mind to stay focused on time-bound accomplishments, a valuable trait in the workplace.

4. Knowledge bank. Not only do students have access to volumes of reference materials (e.g., library, books, notes), but they are guided on how to organize knowledge in a meaningful way.
5. Inspiration and guidance. Students have access to college and university professors who are highly trained and possess an encompassing understanding of their discipline. Many of them teach not just to impart knowledge, but to challenge and inspire students to contribute to such knowledge. This is the rationale behind students becoming visionaries and innovators in order to become positive changemakers.

College Statistics Show Its Advantage
Data reinforcing the perceived benefits of having a college degree is easy to come by. Take a look at these college statistics:
The median annual salary of college graduates in the U.S. is $45,000 compared to $30,000 for high school graduates (Wall Street Journal)
83% of college graduates are employed vs. 68.8% of non-college graduates. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2018)
There is a 3.5x lower poverty rate among college graduates vs. high school graduates (Association of Public Land-Grant Universities)
About 99% of jobs created since the 2008 recession were awarded to candidates with postsecondary degrees. (Georgetown University)
With your tax-deductible donation, underserved students will receive quality college preparatory services, inclusive of college visits, hands-on innovative academic and social skills, and soft skills training. With your support, students will receive the highest level of college access and success and their dreams of attending college can be effectively realized.
Mrs. Y. Brown
Ms. D. Hutton
Walmart Ridgeland, Mississippi
University of Mississippi Center for Math and Science Education
($1,001- $50,000)
Kia Graham
Entergy Mississippi
Mississippi State Department of Health
Mississippi Department of Wildlife Fisheries & Parks
Walmart Foundation
Wells Fargo
Mississippi Department of Education
Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service